Just a maze puzzle game.

Development log


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Hello, some feedback

The concept is good, I like it. Making it so you can't see the goal makes it so you have to explore too which is a nice touch. The control is simple and easy to understand which I like. Nothing worse than a game with controls hard to understand or use.

The game does feel a bit dead though in terms in keeping attention. Your games has a no audio illness. I would suggest adding in some audio (sound, background music). Doing this in Unity is really simple and easy and many ways to implement it. A simple audio manager would do for this game.

I see potential for this game to grow and expand so do keep working on it if it isn't completed yet. Some polished animation, effects etc and I think this game could attract attention with some publicity.

If you post any new games or new updates and want feedback, just get in touch with me on discord or message me here on itch. Here's my discord link if you are interested in getting in touch and having more conversations about game improvements.


A good game, keep up the good work :)